Zwicky, C. and Walls, T. (2020), "Transforming Curriculum, Exploring Identity, and Cultivating Culturally Responsive Educators", Puckett, T. and Lind, N. (Ed.) Cultural Competence in Higher Education (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 28), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 67-82.
Walls, T. E., Cornejo, M.N., Plachowski, T., Reid, E., and Park, S. (2018). Sowing seeds of justice: Feminists’ reflections on teaching for social justice in the southwest. In Grant, M. C. (Eds.). Equity, equality and reform in contemporary public education, IGI Global, pp. 174-196.
Walls, T., Schilmoeller, J., Guerrero, I. and Clark, C. (2017). Unpacking classroom discipline pedagogy: Intent vs. impact. In Fasching-Varner, K. and Martin, L. (Eds.) Understanding, dismantling and disrupting the prison to school pipeline, Lexington Books, pp. 131-158.
Walls, T. E., (2017) Race, resilience, and resistance: A culturally relevant examination of how Black women school leaders advance racial equity and social justice in U.S. schools. UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 3183.
Walls, T. E., Cornejo, M.N., Plachowski, T., Reid, E., and Park, S. (2018). Sowing seeds of justice: Feminists’ reflections on teaching for social justice in the southwest. In Grant, M. C. (Eds.). Equity, equality and reform in contemporary public education, IGI Global, pp. 174-196.
Walls, T., Schilmoeller, J., Guerrero, I. and Clark, C. (2017). Unpacking classroom discipline pedagogy: Intent vs. impact. In Fasching-Varner, K. and Martin, L. (Eds.) Understanding, dismantling and disrupting the prison to school pipeline, Lexington Books, pp. 131-158.
Walls, T. E., (2017) Race, resilience, and resistance: A culturally relevant examination of how Black women school leaders advance racial equity and social justice in U.S. schools. UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 3183.
Print and Public Media:
Walls, T. Interview with Kipp Ortenburger of Nevada Week, Racial justice: School-to-prison Pipeline Parts 1 and 2. Season 3, Episode 17, Las Vegas, NV, October 2020. and
Clark, C., Plachowski, T., Singh, R., Smith, A., Walls, T., (Invited Guest Bloggers) (2017, April 28). Policy by, with, and for all students: How to make public education work. Brown Center on Education Policy, Brown Center Chalkboard, Brookings Institution. Available at:
Clark, C., Plachowski, T., Singh, R., Smith, A., Walls, T., (Invited Guest Bloggers) (2017, April 28). Policy by, with, and for all students: How to make public education work. Brown Center on Education Policy, Brown Center Chalkboard, Brookings Institution. Available at:
Walls, T. (In Press). EquityMatterz: Leveraging critical professional development and critical mentorship to retain and sustain teachers of color. In Gist, C. D., and Bristol, T. J. (Eds.) Handbook of research on teachers of color (In Press).
Walls, T. E., Cornejo, M. N. B. and Wilde, J. (In Progress). Critical professional development and social justice: Developing liberatory praxis through critical inquiry teacher action groups
Walls, T. (In Progress). Rac(e)ing educational leadership: Employing critical race praxis to prepare school leaders for social justice
Walls, T. (In Progress). Code switching, restorative justice, and walking back in! How Black girls pushed out, push back!
Walls, T. E., Cornejo, M. N. B. and Wilde, J. (In Progress). Critical professional development and social justice: Developing liberatory praxis through critical inquiry teacher action groups
Walls, T. (In Progress). Rac(e)ing educational leadership: Employing critical race praxis to prepare school leaders for social justice
Walls, T. (In Progress). Code switching, restorative justice, and walking back in! How Black girls pushed out, push back!